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COPYRIGHT 1998-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is fur d under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form The Math Works, Inc. FEDERAL ACQUISITI
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shop are registered trademarks and Statetlow and Target Language Compiler are trademarks of The MathWorks, Ine. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders
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Anonymous FTP server comp. soft-sys. matlab Newsgroup supportemathworks. com Technical support suggestmathworks. com Product enhancement suggestions bugsemathworks. com Bug reports docemathworks. com Documentation error reports subscri beemathworks. com Subscribing user registration
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一、拟建35/10KV变电所供电系统设计 (一)、设计目的: (二)、原始资料:
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一、短路的原因 二、短路的后果 三、短路的形式
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本章首先简介短路的原因、后果及其 形式,接着分析无限大容量系统三相短路时的物理过程及有关物理量,然后重 点讲述企业共配电系统的短路电流计算, 进而阐述短路电流的效应,最后讲述高低压电器的选择和校验条件
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第一节继电保护的任务与要求 第二节常用的保护继电器及其结线和操作方式 第三节高压电力线路的继电保护
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第一节电力供应与使用的管理原则 第二节安全用电措施及触电急救 第三节节约用电措施及并联电容器的装设与运行
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1、用电设备组的平均负荷 有功功率:Pa=K1P 平均有功功率利用系数法负荷计算 无功功率:Qav= 平均无功功率利用系数法负荷计算 2、平均利用系数
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