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1. Historical background: (1) The Hundred Years War: The result of the war was an awakening of national consciousness in England. And the French language was gradually replaced by English native tongue. (2) The peasant uprising of 1381: It was the result of the conflict between the peasants and feudal lords
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1. Modernism: The twentieth century was marked by the two World Wars, the direct result of the conflicts between rival imperialist countries and their ambition to dominate the world. Roughly speaking, the development of English literature in the twentieth century can be divided into two stages, that is
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1. The Making of the Nation The early inhabitants---Britons,a tribe of Celts. mixed blood. “Britain”, the land of Britons
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1. Historical background: 1066 Norman Conquest Ca.1200 Beginnings of Middle Englishliterature 1336 Edward Ⅲ began the One -Hundred -Year -War
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The War of the Roses (1455-1485) The discovery of America and the new sea routes Reformation of the church
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1. Historical Background The English Bourgeois Revolution and Restoration: The weakening of the tie between monarchy and bourgeoisie; The clashes between the King and Parliament; The outburst of the English Revolution;
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By the close of the eighteenth century, the world had witnessed several major political 1. the American and French revolutions, 2.exceptional social upheavals, 3. prominent changes in philosophical thought
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刘禹锡与柳宗元都是唐代著名的文学家与 哲学家。他们的论著所涉及的领域是相当广泛 的。在哲学上,柳宗元与刘禹锡主要是围绕天 人关系展开的。天人关系论,在中国哲学史上 占有相当重要之地位。早在先秦时期,诸子百 家已经相当注意这个问题的思索。刘禹锡、柳 宗元,主要继承荀子一派的思想,并且有所发 展。刘、柳二人在很多方面表现出一致性。所 以本章将二人的生平与思想放在一起考察
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一.《三国演义》的作 者、成书与版本; 二.《三国演义》的思想内容和倾向; 三.《三国演义》的艺术成就 ; 四.《三国演义》的地位与影响
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一、李清照 二、 陆游 三、辛弃疾
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