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14 Digital Signal Processing W.K. Jenkins, A. D. Poularikas, B. W. Bomar, L.M. Smith, J.A. Cadzow Fourier Transforms er Transforms and the Fast Fourier Transform. Design and Imple of Digital Filters.Signal Restoration
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上海交通大学:《大学物理教程》课程电子教案(课件讲稿)第22章 量子力学基础 22.8 电子的自旋 泡利不相容原理
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Application of Electrical and Magnetic Fields in Bone and Soft Tissue Repair 114 Biomedical Sensors M.R. Neuman Physical Sensors.Chemical Sensors. Bioanalytical Sensors. Applications. Summar
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Oklobdzija,. C. Hamacher, Z. G. Vranesic, S. G. Zaky, J. Raymond Number Systems· Computer Arithmetic Architecture·Microprogramming 87 Programming J. M. Feldman, E. W. Czeck,. G. Lewis, J. J.Martin Assembly Language. High-Level Languages. Data Types and Data Structures
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Digital Devices 79 Logic Elements G. L. Moss P. Graham, R.S. Sandige, H.S. Hinto IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics. Logic Gates (IC). Bistable Devices.Optical Devices
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第七章信号的遁算和处理 7.1概述 集成运放的组成
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2-6解:a(o)s|(o) (/o) OPC 令a(a_1 代入上式,解方程得 ±a+√2+4a2Q
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VHDL 的构造体基本结构 p.271 表 4-28 architecture arch_name of entity_name is declarations and definitions; 说明部分 begin concurrent statement; 语句部分 end arch_name; 构造体语法要点:
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Learning VHDL must learn What is Combinatorial Logic What is Sequential Logic What is Concurrent Statement What is Process Statement
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Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) – is an industry standard hardware description language – description the hardware in language instead of graphic
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