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6=e.e e.×e Eiker j Vφ 随体倒数Dn-ar +(V)a a e Vxa=(e.)x(a e)=e
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Circuits 1 Passive Components M. Pecht, P Lall,G. Ballou, C Sankaran, N. Angelopoulos esistors. Capacitors and Inductors. Transformers. Electrical Fuses 2 Voltage and Current Sources R.C. Dorf, Z Wan, C.R. Paul J.R. Cogdell tep, Impulse, Ramp, Sinusoidal
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Bioelectronics and Joseph D. Bronzino finity College/Biomedical Allience Instruments for Central Connecticut(BOACON) Edward J. Berbari Purdue University 115.1 The Electroencephalogram Philip L. Johnson
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113. 1 Neuroelectric Principles Electrical Model for Nerve Excitation 113.2 Bioelectric Events J. Patrick Reilly Origin of Bioelectricity. Law of Stimulation. Recording Action
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Alternative views on gradient sensing Postma and van hastert. 'a diffusion-translocation model for gradient sensing by chemotactic cells Biophys.J.81,1314(2001) Levchenko and Iglesias. Models of eukaryotic gradient sensing: applications to chemotaxis of amoeba and neutrophils
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Effect of laminar shear stress on cell alignment(Dewey eta.1981) Photos removed due to copyright considerations See Dewey, C F, et al. \The dynamic response of vascular endothelial cells to fluid shear stress J Biomech Eng 1981 Aug: 103 (3): 177-85 No flow
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《三极管资料》三极管资料 2J 2K(3-1)
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第9章最优控制 9.1最优控制的概念 设系统的状态方程为 =f(x, u,t) (9.1) 性能指标的数学表达式一般可以表示为 J=[x(t ] [x(),, ]dr (9.2) 所谓最优控制,就是要确定在[to,t]中的最优控制u,将系统(9.1)的状 态从x(to)转移到x(t),或者x(t)的一个集合,并使性能指标(9.2)最优
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通常,在没有开环极点位于右半平面上的情况下,可以用增益裕 量和相角裕量来评价反馈控制系统的性能。特别地,可以根据-点附 近区域内的奈奎斯特图对系统进行性能评价。 现在考虑-1点到G(jo)曲线上的任一点的向量,它实际上就是 G(jω)+1。因此,频率为ω的闭环响应的模即为这两个向量的比值
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