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NMR screening in drug discovery Jonathan M Moore NMR methods in drug discovery have traditionally been used drugs. Many pharmaceutical industry research groups have to obtain structural information for drug targets or embarked on drug discovery programs using NMR screen-
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NMR spectroscopy in structure-based drug design Gordon CK Roberts NMR methods for the study of motion in proteins continue Structure and dynamics of the binding site improve, and a n d complexes Methodological developments in NMR of macromolecules relevant to drug design
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数理统计的任务:观察现象,收集资料,创 建方法,分析推断 统计推断:伴随着一定概率的推测。其特点 是:由“部分”推断“整体
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This vertical view shows the complex caldera at the summit of Olympus Mons on Mars, the highest volcano in our Solar System. Olympus Mons has an average elevation of 22 km and the caldera has a depth of about 3 km This is the first high-resolution colour image of the complete caldera of Olympus Mons. The colour image was taken from a height of 273 km in orbit 37 by the High
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letters to nature Em, the simulation suggests that this matrix becomes much closer to is the realization of a cavity with both high quality factor, Q, and the ideal one(keeping almost ideal outputs for 110) and 111)input small modal volume, V. The ratio Q/V determines the strength of states)if we slightly decrease the rise/fall
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第1章 引言 第2章 产业组织 第3章 新古典企业理论 第4章 其他企业理论 第5章 市场结构 第6章 结构与策略:寡头垄断 第7章 欧盟的产业 第8章 区位和产业发展 第9章 企业定价行为 第10章 非价格策略 第11章 技术变革和创新 第12章 企业绩效 第13章 欧盟厂商和产业的绩效 第14章 跨国公司与全球化 第15章 产业政策概述 第16章 欧盟的产业政策
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equipment, and to Dr. G. E. R. Deacon and the a residue on each chain every 3.4 A. in the z-direc- captain and officers of R. R.S. Discovery II for their tion. We have assumed an angle of 36between part in making the observations. at residues in the same chain, so th he 1Young, F. B., Gerrard, H., and Jevons,., Phil Mag., 40, 149 structu on each chain, that
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我们感觉空间和时间是连续的,但是如果令人称奇的圈量子引力理论是正确的 话,时空实 际上是以离散形式存在的。 100多年前,绝大多数人和科学家认为物质是连续的。尽管自古以来一些哲学 家和科学家曾 经推测如果把物质分解到足够小的块,就会发现它们是由微小的原子组成
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一、目的: 1 锻炼学生的综合能力:资料查阅、知识综合应用、 2 理论计算、设备选型、绘制图形、编写说明书。 3 培养工程观念:理论→小试→放大
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