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一、参数曲线基础 二、参数多项式曲线 三、三次 Hermite曲线 四、Bezier曲线 五、参数多项式曲面 六、 Bezier曲面
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一、用图形软件包绘图 二、基本的交互处理 三、光栅操作
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6.1多媒体创作工具概述 6.2 Authorware6.0概述 6.3主界面屏幕组成及菜单系统 6.4 Authorware6.0的动画功能 6.5 Authorware6.0交互功能 6.6知识对象Quiz的使用 6.7应用程序创建概要
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A. Symbolism of organ synthesis. B. The central question of organ synthesis. C. What is required to synthesize an organ? D. Trans-organ rules of synthesis
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Methodology of Organ Synthesis A Skin B Conjunctiva C. Peripheral nerves D. simplest synthetic pathways
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ELEMENTS FOR TISSUE REGENERATIONENGINEERING CELLS Autologous, Adult (pulp and bone marrow stromal stem cell)
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Outline 1. Irreversible injury 2. Regenerative and nonregenerative tissues 3. Antagonistic relation between contraction and regeneration 4. Present theory: Selective inhibition of contraction necessary but not sufficient for regeneration 5. Mechanism
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BIOMATERIALS-TISSUE INTERACTIONS BIOMATERIAL TISSUE Strength ize scale IOnm 100nm lum 10 um 100 um Imm Modulus of Elasticity Fracture mechanics
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C. Cell-Matrix Interactions A. How cells pull onto and deform the matrix to which they attach themselves. B. Cell-matrix interactions control the spontaneous closure of wounds in organs. C. What happens when regeneration is induced?
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UNIT CELL PROCESSES Concept of a \Control Volume\ around a Cell Soluble Regulator Cell Matrix
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