Spring 2003 Generalized forces revisited Derived Lagrange s equation from d'Alembert's equation ∑m(8x+16y+22)=∑(Fx+F+F。=) Define virtual displacements sx Substitute in and noting the independence of the 8q,, for each
Revision: I. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook I. sale by sample 2. G M.Q 3. sale by
Closed book- one sheet of notes hroug hout this quiz, we have set aside space in which you should write your answers. Please try to put all of answers in the designated spaces, as we will look only in this spaces when grading
MASSACHVSETTS INSTITVTE OF TECHNOLOGY epartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Se lence 001--Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs Spring Semester, 2005 Quiz I- Sample Solutions