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面具背后:雇员评价中的政治因素 绩效评估的政治:指评价者有目的地对评价加以歪曲,以达到个人 或者公司目标的做法。(Human Resource Management, Getting Competitive Advantage (3th edition)
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oissue: bring out (esp. sth. printed and /or official) for the notice of the public发布,发行 -----The school issued a statement about its plans to the press. ---th newsletter(简报) is issued three times a year. -----The Ministry of Finance has decided to issue new government bonds(债券)
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A General Outline of Professional English for the students of plant protection Course No.: B3012111 Apply The Profession: Plant Protection Course Property: Elective Course Time: 8th semester Hours:
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