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1.以上各项除试卷密呈外必须填写清楚。 2.答题必须一律写在试卷上,并写清题号。 3.字迹清楚,保持卷面清洁。 4.试题随试卷交回
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:4.9MB 文档页数:14
1、看懂基本交流放大、了解其元件作用并有数量级概念 2、了解图解法,掌握微变等效电路分析法
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Revision: Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. skimming price 2. market price 3. basis price
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Revision L. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. Country of origin mark 2. Quality mark 3. Grade mark 4. Weight mark
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Revision: I. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking
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Revision: I. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. market slump 2. market boom 3. market share 4. market fluctuations 5. strong market
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.36MB 文档页数:11
Revision l Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1 advance payment/ Cash in advance 2 defer payment 3 initial payment 4 Documentary letter of credit
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:16KB 文档页数:1
作业一: 1.在立方晶系的晶胞内画出具有下列密勒指数的晶面和晶向: (11)n12,(10与[1],(132)与[123 2.在立方晶系的一个晶胞中画出(111)和(112)晶面,并写出两晶面交线的晶向指数。 3.立方晶系的(111),(110),(123)晶面族各包含多少晶面,写出它们的密勒指数
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4城市土壤与生物群落 4.1城市的土壤 1城市化对土壤的影响及城市土壤特点 城市发展与建设导致形成废墟式土壤这类土壤较利于植物根系伸展,但养分布不均;通气良好,但土体甚为干燥城市道路交通使其两侧土壤性质发生改变瓦砾、砖、砂、混凝土等建筑废料多pH值高,铅金属含量大,紧实度增加
文档格式:PPS 文档大小:12.63MB 文档页数:20
本章学习重点: 1.掌握商品品质的表示方法理解品质条款的内容; 2.掌握数量条款及数量机动幅度的规定办法;
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