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第一节频数分布表与频数分布图 第二节计量资料的常用统计指标 第三节计数资料的常用统计指标 第四节统计表与统计图 第五节正态分布与医学参考值
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第一节 方差分析的基本原理与步骤 第二节 单因素试验资料的方差分析 第三节 两因素试验资料的方差分析 *第四节 方差分析的数学模型与期望均方 第五节 数据转换
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《固定资产投资学》教学案例 某新建小型仿真丝项目有关资料如下,据此进行财务评价: 一、计算期估算有关资料 建设期2年,生产期15年,其中,投产期为一年,生产负荷为80%,设计生产能力为: 年产涤纶真丝1000吨,其中,50D,100D,各250吨,68D500吨 二、总投资估算有关资料 (一)固定资产投资估算有关资料 1、建筑工程:总建筑面积1500平方米平均每平方米造价为450元。 2.设备购置: (1)进口设备包括:切片干燥设备一套,牵伸卷绕机一台,空调设备一台,全部设备离岸 价格合计210万美元合同货价为到岸价,以美元结算。海运费率为6%,海运保险率为 2‰,进口关税率为10%,进口增值税税率为17%外贸、银行手续费、国内运杂回费计 费依据均为到岸价,费率分别为1.5%、0.4%、2%; (2)国内设备,全部到厂费用为2 20万元。 3.设备安装费用:取进口设备和国内设备到厂费用的10%。 4.工程建设其他费 用共为500万元。 5.预备费用:建筑工程、设备购置费用、设备安装费用和工程建设其他费用之和的10%(分别按人民币和美元计算)
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From The Economist print edition Panos Is economic inequality around the world getting better or worse? CRITICS of capitalism are convinced that the gap between rich and poor is widening across the world. For them, the claim amounts almost to an article of faith: worsening inequality is a sure sign of the moral bankruptcy of \the system\. Whether rising inequality should in fact be seen
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boosted global trade and triggered a surge in commodity prices: The Economist's metals index is at ten-year From budding to blooming high. This has been a fillip to raw-materials producers, GDP growth, annual average such as Brazil, South Africa and Russia. Low global %2001-04 interest rates have also reduced debt-servic costs, and
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\Picture Mom,dad, and the kids in an upper-middle-- Asian family in 100 years'time: After loading up with cash at the corner Citibank, they drive off to Walmart and fill the trunk of their Ford with the likes of Fritos and Snickers. On the way home, they stop at the American-owne Cineplex to catch the latest Disney movie, paying with their Visa card. In the evening, after putting the kids
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Asia's addiction to cheap currencies must end. But not overnight THE average homeowner in Peoria has probably never heard of Toshihiko Fukui, Zhou Xiachuan, Joseph Yam, Perng Fai-nan or Park Seung. But he has a lot to thank them for. These men, respectively bosses of the central banks of Japan, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South
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If the global economy falters, free trade will suffer \I'M MAD as hell, roared the man on stage. \Mad as hell about what is happening to the manufacturing sector in America. \ This is a trade war with China,\ shouted his colleague, \and it's time to fight that war head on.\ The audience cheered in approval. Patriotic songs played in the background, interspersed with extracts from George Bush's address to the nation after September
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From The Economist print edition Why the world cannot count on a repeat of the 1980s PARALLELS abound between Ronald Reagan and George Bush. Like the Gipper, Dubya is a sun- belt conservative with fondness for his ranch. In all, Mr Reagan spent about one year of his eight-year presidency at his California retreat. Mr Bush has turned his patch of Texan scrub near Crawford into the hottest destination for world leaders
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