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In this chapter we shall investigate some ways of characterizing two-port networks. Before we do this, we must consider some of the more general details that apply to all networks which have two port. In addition, we shall consider interconnec of two-
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In the chapter we shall begin to look at more general and more powerful methods of circuit analysis -the Laplace transform techniques
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In the chapter we first shall consider the nodal analysis and introduce the networks containing dependent sources. In addition later in the chapter we shall consider state(状态)- variable analysis
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Basic Circuit Theory ChpterI Problems 1 For the circuit of Fig. 1-26 find: V, i, and the power absorbed by the load
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I Writing nodal equations by inspection determine v, in each circuit of Fig 2-32 6 A
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1 The switch in Fig.5-27 is opened at=0, Find i (0*) and v (0*) 1kΩ D100v 1k2 Fig. 5-27 For prob.1. The switch is closed at= 0 in Fig.5-28. Find i(*) and ic(0*) if the capacitor is initially
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(a)Find V, in Fig. 8-20.(b)To what identical value should each of the 4Q2 resistors be changed so that V2 is 180 out of phase with the source voltage?
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Let vs=100 cos a t V in the circuit shown in Fig. 9-12.(a) Find the equivalent parallel RLC circuit and then determine resonant frequency @r, Q, and v(t).(b) Find i, (t),i2(t), and i3(t) (c)Calculate the average power loss in the 10 kQ2 resistor and the maximum energy stored in the inductor
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Find the four Y parameters of the network shown in Fig
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sequence. The balanced source supplies IMW and 0.2M VAR. If R, =12, find: (a) the line current;(b)Zp; ()the transmission efficiency
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