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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 4: Games with Payoff Uncertainty(1) Marciano Siniscalchi September 28, 1999 Introduction The vast majority of games of interest in economics, finance, political economy etc. involve some form of payoff uncertainty. A simple but interesting example is provided by auctions: an object is offered for sale, and individuals are required to submit their bids in sealed
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 6: Interactive Epistemology(1) Marciano Siniscalchi October 5, 1999 Introduction This lecture focuses on the interpretation of solution concepts for normal-form games. You will recall that, when we introduced Nash equilibrium and Rationalizability, we mentioned numerous reasons why these solution concepts could be regarded as yielding plausible restric- tions on rational play, or perhaps providing a consistency check for our predictions about
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 8.5: More on Auctions; PS#1 Marciano Siniscalchi October 14, 1999 Introduction These notes essentially tie up a few loose ends in Lecture 8; in particular, I exhibit examples of inefficiencies in first-and second-price auctions I would also like to briefly comment on Questions 1 and 2 in Problem Set 2
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过本章的学习,你可以了解: 短期劳动需求及均衡工资的决定; 长期劳动需求; 中国劳动需求的演变:理论与实证
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第一章货币概述 第一节货币的起源与职能 第二节货币的计量 第三节货币制度
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第三章金融市场概述 第一节金融市场的概念、分类与功能 第二节金融市场工具 第三节我国金融市场的发展
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第五章国际金融市场 第一节国际金融市场概述 第二节国际金融市场的构成 第三节离岸金融市场 第四节创建我国的离岸金融市场
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第九章资产定价 第一节有效市场假说 第二节资本资产定价模型( CAPM) 第三节套利定价模型(APT) 第四节期权定价理论
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第十一章商业银行 第一节商业银行的概念、特征及组织形态 第二节商业银行的性质与职能 第三节商业银行的主要业务 第四节商业银行的经营管理 第五节商业银行存款货币的创造
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第十三章中央银行 第一节中央银行的产生与发展 第二节中央银行的特点和职能 第三节中央银行制度的类型和组织结构 第四节中央银行的业务
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