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3.1通信方式的创新 3.1.1信息时代对通信提出的要求 1、“信息基础结构计划(NII)”—信息高速公路(INTERNET):集通信网络、计算机、数据库以及日用电子产品为一体的电子信息网络。它能使每个人随时随地地将文本、声音、图像、电视信息传递给任何人
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了解Java及其发展史 熟悉Java开发和运行环境 创建、编译、运行Java程序 编写简单的Java application 编写简单的Java applet 了解Java与Internet的关系
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一、编写简单的Java程序 二、理解标识符、变量和常量 三、使用赋值语句 四、认识ava基本数据类型 五、使用Java运算符并书写Java表达式
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分析公司生产经营活动的特点,了解制造业环境下会计循环所产生的信息与商业企业有何不同?了解筹资业务的核算,了解供应、生产、销售业务的账户设置以及记录方法, 了解财务成果的形成、计算以及会计记录,了解资金退出企业的会计处理
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任何一台机器的设计,除了运动分析、结构设计、强度、刚度计算外,还要进行精度设 计。研究机器的精度时,要处理好机器的使用要求与制造工艺的矛盾。解决的方法是规定合 理的公差,并用检测手段保证其贯彻实施。由此可见,“公差”在生产中是非常重要的
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一、掌握: Internet的基本概念 二、了解: Internet通信协议的概念 三、掌握: Internet的主要服务功能 四、了解: Internet的接入方式 五、掌握: Intranet技术的基本概念 六、了解:电子商务的基本概念
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一、名词解释题 1.会计2.会计核算3会计机构 二、单项选择题 1会计的基本职能是() A.记录和计算B.考核收支.核算和监督D.分析和检查 2会计主要利用的计量单位是() A.实物计量单位B.货币计量单位C.劳动计量单位D.工时计量单
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Chapter 8 Internet market Promotion 8.1 Introduction, category and function of Internet Marketing 8.1.1 Internet marketing conception and characteristic 1. Internet marketing What is Internet marketing? Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Chapter Electronic Payment systems 10.1 Traditional Electronic Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce In electronic commerce, the challenges of payment transactions were initially underestimated Business via the internet and mobile telephony has so far been dominated by the methods of payment customary in traditional business. However, in light of technological progress
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Chapter 11 Electronic Commerce logistics 11.1 The Overall Electronic Commerce Logistics 11.1.1 The Logistics And the Logistical System Interest in the Internet has changed so drastically in recent years that one can speak of a universal breakthrough. The remarkable increase in users can be attributed mainly to the appeal of the World Wide Web, the Internet feature that is enjoying the greatest growth. There is some
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