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Chapter 2 The strategy of the development of E-Commerce 2. 1 The importance of the development of E-Commerce's research The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business(B2B)transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter
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Chapter 3 Technology of Electronic Commerce 3.1 A short history of the Internet and the web The Internet was the result of some visionary thinking by people in the early 1960s who saw great potential value in allowing computers to share information on research and development in scientific and military fields. J CR Licklider of MIT, first proposed a global network of computers in 1962, and moved over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) in late 1962 to head the work to develop it Leonard Kleinrock of MIT and later UCLA developed
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Chapter 4 Website design 4.1 General Design of e-Business website 4.1.1 Defining the task Once you have decided to hire [COMPANy], the first step is to define the project very carefully and very thoroughly. It is critical to put down on paper what is and isn't included for the agree-to price. We call this the\Statement of Work\and include it as part of our proposal. For us to prepare this document, we're going to have a lot of questions to ask. If you haven,'t done so
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Chapter6 Transaction behavior on the internet 6.1 consumer buying behavior 6. 1. 1 What is Consumer Buying Behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in bu product Need to understand why consumers make the purchases that they make? what factors influence consumer purchases? the changing factors in our society
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Chapter 7 Internet marketing 7.1. Introduction of internet marketing 7.1.1 Internet marketing defined What is internet marketing? Internet marketing or internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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1.1网络管理概述 1.2ISO网络管理标准 1.3TCP/P网络的协议 1.4网络管理协议 本章目的:让学习掌握网页制作过程中要了解的一些基本知识,对网页有一个清晰的概念
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一、计算机网络的发展和作用 二、远程通信(telecommunications)基础 三、计算机网络(computer network) 四、Internet(互联网) 五、管理信息系统的空间分布结构 六、保护企业网络安全运行 七、网络编程
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14—1轴的功用和类型 14—2轴的材料 14—3轴的结构设计 14—4轴的强度计算 14—5轴的刚度计算 14—5轴的临界转速的概念
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§10—1 螺纹参数 §10—2 螺旋副的受力分析、效率和自锁 §10—3 机械制造常用螺纹 §10—4 螺纹联接的基本类型及螺纹紧固件 §10—5 螺纹联接的预紧和防松 §10—6 螺纹联接的强度计算 §10—7 螺纹的材料和许用应力 §10—9 螺旋传动(不讲) §10—8 提高螺纹联接强度的措施 §10—10 滚动螺旋简介(不讲) §10—11 键联接和花键联接 §10—12 销联接(简介)
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