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Broadcast Routing Route a packet from a source to all nodes in the network Possible solutions: Flooding: Each node sends packet on all outgoing links Discard packets received a second time Spanning Tree Routing: Send packet along a tree that includes all of the nodes in the network
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A packet switch consists of a routing engine(table look-up), a switch scheduler, and a switch fabric. The routing engine looks-up the packet address in a routing table and determines which output port to send the packet. Packet is tagged with port number The switch uses the tag to send the packet to the proper output port Eytan Modiano
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Flow control: end-to-end mechanism for regulating traffic between source and destination Congestion control: Mechanism used by the network to limit congestion The two are not really separable, and I will refer to both as flow control In either case, both amount to mechanisms for limiting the amount of traffic entering the network Sometimes the load is more than the network can handle Eytan Modiano
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Outline Network Layer and Internetworking The TCP/IP protocol suit ATM
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一、SMS采用了哪两大机制,以保证短信息传输的可靠性? GSM系统的SMS技术包含两大机制:存储转发机制和传递确认机制。正是这两大机制保证了短信息传递的可靠性,也使得它与无线寻呼系统的文字寻呼相比显得更为优越
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猪场相关指标 计算结果 每年的天数(天)+A30 365母猪的繁殖周期(天) 163 猪场年生产能力(头)
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PDM技术最早出现在80年代初期,目的是为了解决大量工程图纸、技术文档 以及CAD文件的计算机化管理问题,然后逐渐扩展到产品开发过程中的三个主要领 域:设计图纸和电子文档的管理,材料明细表(BOM)及与工程文档的集成管理
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匹配滤波器是以抽样时刻信噪比最大为标准,构造接收机结构。而在数字通 信中,人们更关心判决输出的数据正确率。因此,使输出总误码率最小的最小差 错概率准则,更适合于作为数字信号接收的准则。为了便于讨论最小差错概率最 佳接收机,我们需首先建立数字信号接收的统计模型
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4-1:(1)()ZnZn2+cd2+cd(+)(2)(-)(C)Fe2+,Fe3+AgAg(+) 4-2根据标准电极电势数据分析,只能选Fe 4-4:(1)E=0.0113V,Pb(+);(2)E=0.0477V
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