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– Ch. 4 The Time Value of Money – Ch. 5 Analysis of Risk and Return – Ch. 6-7 Valuation of Financial Assets
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8. Financial Markets a. Insurance Markets b. Moral Hazard C. Adverse Selection with one price contracts d. Simple Financial Markets-Comparative Statics e. Option Pricing and Redundant Assets
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:259KB 文档页数:58
Fund Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning Flow of Funds(Sources and Uses) Statement Accounting Statement of Cash-Flows- ash- Flow Forecasting Range of Cash-Flow- Estimates Forecasting Financial Statements
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Chapter 3 Contents Review of Financial The Relation Among Statements Ratios Market Values v. Book Limitations of Ratio Values Analysis Accounting v. Economic Purpose and Process of Measures of Income Financial Planning
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1.Describe the usefulness of a conceptual framework. 2.Describe the FASB's efforts to construct a conceptual framework. 3.Understand the objectives of financial reporting. 4.Identify the qualitative characteristics of accounting information. 5.Define the basic elements of financial statements. 6.Describe the basic assumptions of accounting. 7.Explain the application of the basic principles of accounting. 8.Describe the impact that constraints have on reporting accounting information
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5.1 The Goods Market Equilibrium and IS Curve 5.2 Financial Markets and LM Curve 5.3 Goods and Financial Markets: IS- LM Model
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Standardized Financial Statements Ratio Analysis The Du Pont Identity Internal and Sustainable Growth Using Financial Statement Information
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Tracing Cash and Net Working Capital The Operating Cycle and the Cash Cycle Some Aspects of Short-Term Financial Policy The Cash Budget Short-Term Borrowing A Short-Term Financial Plan
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Financial Statement Analysis Financial Statements A Possible Framework for Analysis Ratio Analysis Trend Analysis CommonSize- and Index Analysis
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How Financial Firms Decide on Technology,介绍国际大银行在决定对信息技术投资时的考虑要点和 他们具体的实施过程。 How Financial Firms Decide on Technology (Abstract) The financial services industry is the major investor in information technology(IT) in the U.S
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