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Review Show the homework and note book on your desk Practise measurement of attitude of planes and lines in the models
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Determination of the top sur faces of the beds from the scour surfaces
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Chapter 2 Primary Sedimentary Structures Main types of bedding Determination of younger direction of beds from primary structures Types of stratigraphic break Angular unconformity Soft sedimentary structures
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Chapter One Introduction Goals Outline Two supports Types of structures QA uantitative techniques pplication Suggestion
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1.褶皱等倾斜线图的编制 1.1褶皱等倾斜线图的编制
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Review: 1.What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses? 2. What are trajectories of principal stresses?
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(A)General triaxial stress ellipsoid in perspective view. (B)Views normal to each of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. (After W.D. Means,1976)
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1.几种典型的褶皱的基本几何特征 平行褶皱 相似褶皱 协调褶皱 不协调褶皱
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hangingwall ramp A- Ramps and flats hangingwall B-Hangingwall ramp and footwall footwall ramp footwall ramp B C-? thrust sequence New thrusts develop in the footwall
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1. 引言 2.地质信息科学含义与学科地位 3.地质信息科学的发生与发展 4.地质信息科学的理论体系与方法论体系 5. 地质信息科学的技术体系
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