Review. 1. What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses 2. What are trajectories of principal stresses
Review: 1.What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses? 2.What are trajectories of principal stresses?
Stress Analysis for the formation of En echelon veins and of Vortex Structures
Stress Analysis for the Formation of En Echelon Veins and of Vortex Structures
Stress Analysis For The Formation Of En echelon veins
Stress Analysis For The Formation Of En Echelon Veins
En echelon quartz veins Observe the en echelon veins and examine the relationship among the en echelon extensional veins, the slaty cleavages and the straight shearing veins En echelon slaty cleavages are perpendicular to the en echelon quartz veins After J.G. Ramsay, 1967
En echelon quartz veins En echelon slaty cleavages are perpendicular to the en echelon quartz veins. After J.G.Ramsay, 1967 Observe the en echelon veins and examine the relationship among the en echelon extensional veins, the slaty cleavages and the straight shearing veins
En echelon veins
En echelon veins
Stress analysis Considering the equilibrium of an triangular plate element Set the coordinate systems as in the diagram. we have the equilibrium equations ∑Fa=0and∑F1=0
Considering the equilibrium of an triangular plate element Set the coordinate systems as in the diagram, we have the equilibrium equations: F =0 and FT =0 Stress analysis
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Formation of the z En echelon veins 2 十 (After Wang, WX 2 1984) 十
1 1 2 2 Formation of the En echelon veins (After Wang, W.X, 1984)
sigmoid en echelon veins 2 cm
Sigmoid en echelon veins