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Chapter 1 Reservation Service Chapter 2 Reception Desk Chapter 3 The Bellman Chapter 4 At the Information Desk Chapter 5 Telephone Operator Chapter 6 Complaints Chapter 7 The Business Center Chapter 8 The Casher Chapter 9 At the Conference Chapter 10 Receiving guests Chapter 11 Chamber Service Chapter 12 Reservation Service Chapter 13 Laundry Service Chapter 14 Miscellaneous Service Chapter 15 Maintenance Service Chapter 16 Reservation Service Chapter 17 Chinese Food Chapter 18 Serving Dishes Chapter 19 Offering Room Serving Chapter 20 At the Bar Chapter 21 Western Food and Buffet Chapter 22 Ways of Paying Chapter 23 At the Arts and Crafts Chapter 24 At the Souvenir Chapter 25 At the Food Shop Chapter 26 At Sing and Dance Hall Chapter 27 At the Health Club Chapter 28 At the Chess Chapter 29 At the Beauty Center
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2. Inborn Errors of Metabolism Inborn errors of metabolism are rare genetic disorders in which the body cannot turn food into energy (metabolize food) normally. The disorders are usually caused by defects in the enzymes involved in the biochemical pathways that break down food components
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As the first food of infant mammals, milk provides an important source of fat, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals, essential to the development of tissue and bone, and the growth of young. Milk is also a substance used beneficially by humans of all ages, both as a food in its own right and as a material for the production of milk products and milk-based food ingredients
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6.1 Introduction: the problem of providing nutrition information Developments in nutrition research and improved scientific understanding of the relationship between diet and health have led to increasing interest in the nutri￾tional aspects of the food supply. This interest is shared by academics, health professionals, government officials, consumers and the food and supplement industries alike, although not always for the same reasons and generally at dif￾ferent levels of knowledge and understanding. Interest in nutrition, in respect of both total diet and individual foods, is second only to concern about food safety
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A. Trichopoulou and A. Naska, University of Athens 2.1 Introduction Documenting and monitoring dietary patterns are priorities in nutritional epi￾demiology, in the planning of national food and nutrition policies and in the evaluation of nutrition education strategies. Early efforts in documenting dietary patterns were focused on identifying the specific nutrients that may be respon￾sible for effects on people’s health, but recently research has expanded towards studying patterns of food intake. Food data are often derived from:
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A+ Ismail KM Humied MA.2003. Effect of processing and storage of brined white (Nabulsi) cheese on fat and cholesterol oxidation. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture.83: 39-43 A. WNOROWSKI V.A. YAYLAYAN. 2002. Prediction of Process Lethality through Measurement of Maillard-Generated Chemical Markers. Journal of Food
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绪论 食品营养学(Food Nutriology) 一、营养(nutrition (一)营养 指人体为了维持正常生理、生化和免疫功能以及 生长、发育、代谢和修补组织等生命现象的需要而摄 取和利用食物的综合过程
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26.1 Introduction: new packaging techniques and the consumer New packaging techniques promise consumers safe food products that keep their high quality throughout shelf-life. The improved quality has been achieved by applying tailored technological solutions that require highly specialised knowl- edge. From consumers'point of view these new techniques require explanations if food can keep fresh for an unexpected and thereby unnaturally long time
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Chapter13 has outlined the concept of hygienic design'and hygienic practices'in controlling the safety of chilled food products. This chapter deals with hygienic practices, specifically those related to cleaning and disinfection. Contamination in food products may arise from four main sources: the constituent raw materials, surfaces
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Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays. Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the packed food product. Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages replace the salesman
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