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The effect of topical application of lavender essential oil on the intensity of pain caused by the insertion of dialysis needles in hemodialysis patients:A randomized clinical trial
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The Effects of Lavender Oil Inhalation on Emotional States, Autonomic Nervous System, and Brain Electrical Activity
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《气味科学中的健康密码》课程教学阅读材料:Rosa damascena oil improves SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction in male patients suffering from major depressive disorders:results from a double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled clinical trial
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《气味科学中的健康密码》课程教学资源(阅读材料)Effects of Melaleuca alternifolia(Tea Tree)Essential Oil and the Major Monoterpene Component Terpinen-4-ol on the Development of Single- and Multistep Antibiotic Resistance and Antimicrobial Susceptibility
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私立华联学院:《英文报刊阅读》课程教学资源(电子教案)Passage 9 'Gutter oil' scandal tarnishing Hong Kong’s reputation, says health secretary(食品安全:地沟油)
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西北农林科技大学:《农业昆虫学》课程教学课件(英文版,2012)Chapter 19 Integrated Pest Management of Oil Crops
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西北农林科技大学:《农业昆虫学》课程教学课件(中文版,2012)第9章 油料作物害虫 Oil crop pest insects
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第一节 蒸发岩(Evaporites) 第二节 硅岩(Siliceous Rocks) 第三节 铁、锰、铝、磷、铜沉积岩(Iron,manganese,aluminum and phosphorus sedimentary rocks) 第四节 煤及油页岩(Coal and oil shale)
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粮油加工学的范畴 粮油加工的历史和现状 粮油加工学的主要内容 开创粮油加工业的新局面
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《园艺作物育种学》课程教学资源(学术研究)Response Surface Optimization of Nigella glandulifera Freyn Seed Oil Yield by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction
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