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Subject: English Pronunciation for Communication Purpose: The students will learn types of intonation in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for intonation. 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different types of intonation in speech;
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The students will learn rhythm of English speech. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for rhythm of English speech. It is a revision and therefore, easy for most of the students; 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare different types of speech rhythm in connected speech;
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A Practical Course for Students of English By Wang Guizhen Faculty of English Language & Culture Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
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A Practical Course for Students of English By Wang Guizhen Faculty of English Language & Culture Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
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English vowels & vowel classification The English pure vowels can be classified according to the height of the raised part of the tongue the part of the tongue raised the position of the lips
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English Nasals, Approximants & Lateral(s) The English consonants can be classified according to place of articulation manner of articulation
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1997年在职研究生作文 Part Writing(30 minutes,15 points) Directions: In this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on The problem s I have in my English study. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in Chinese. Outline:①遇到哪些困难 ②产生原因 ③如何克服 The problems I have in my English study During my study of English, meet with some problems
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Test for New Integrated English Band I(1-A) Key to Test for New Integrated English Part I Listening comprehension Section A 1-5 BDABD 6-10 BCADO Section B 11-15 DDBDA Section C 16.I decided to test it 17. walked in the front door
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Oral Test for New Integrated english BandⅡ(2-A) Directions: Answer one of these questions briefly in no less than 100 words. You will be given three minutes to prepare for it. Marks will be given on both accuracy and fluency of your spoken English. 1. To be dependent on parents is a bad habit of young man. Do you agree with it? Why
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Test for New Integrated English Band(1-B) Key to Test for New Integrated English PartI Listening comprehension 1---10: C D BA D B C A B 11---15 wasted, notebook, pleased, value, spell. Part II vocabulary and structure
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