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第一节 依赖DNA的RNA合成(大肠杆菌) 第二节真核生物转录 第三节 转录后的加工 第四节以RNA为模板DNA和RNA的合成
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RNA的功能 mRNA 原核生物的基因结构 tRNA snRNA miRNA (microRNA) siRNA (small inteference RNA) asRNA (antisense RNA)
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Section1 Transcription system Section2 Biosynthesis process of RNA Section 3 Posttranscriptional processing Section 4 RNA replication
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5.1 Introduction 5.2 Transfer RNA is the adapter 5.3 Messenger RNA is translated by ribosomes 5.4 The life cycle of bacterial messenger RNA 5.5 Translation of eukaryotic mRNA 5.6 The 5 end of eukaryotic mRNA is capped 5.7 The 3 terminus is polyadenylated 5.8 Bacterial mRNA degradation involves multiple enzymes
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第一节 非编码RNA概述 第二节 非编码RNA的分类 第三节 MicroRNA 第四节 LnRNA 第五节 CircRNA 第六节 其它小分子RNA
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9.1 Introduction 9.2 Transcription is catalyzed by RNA polymerase 9.3 The transcription reaction has three stages 9.4 A stalled RNA polymerase can restart 9.5 RNA polymerase consists of multiple subunits 9.6 RNA Polymerase consists of the core enzyme and sigma factor 9.7 Sigma factor is released at initiation 9.8 Sigma factor controls binding to DNA 9.9 Promoter recognition depends on consensus sequences
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1、DNA指导的RNA合成。 2、RNA指导的RNA合成
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8.10 Signal transduction and two-component regulatory system VI. Differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes in gene expression V. RNA-Based Regulation 8.11 RNA Regulation and Antisense RNA 8.12 Riboswitches 8.13 Attenuation 弱化作用
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20.1 Introduction 20.2 Eukaryotic RNA polymerases consist of many subunits 20.3 Promoter elements are defined by mutations and footprinting 20.4 RNA polymerase I has a bipartite promoter 20.5 RNA polymerase III uses both downstream and upstream promoters 20.6 The startpoint for RNA polymerase II 20.7 TBP is a universal factor 20.8 TBP binds DNA in an unusual way
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第一节 核酸的化学组成 一、戊糖 二、碱基 三、核苷 四、核苷酸 五、多磷酸核苷酸 六、环化腺苷酸 第二节 DNA分子的结构 一、DNA分子大小 二、DNA的碱基组成 三、DNA的一级结构 四、DNA的二级结构 五、DNA的三级结构 六、DNA的性质 第三节 RNA分子的结构 一、RNA的类型 二、RNA的碱基组成 三、RNA的结构
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