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Lecture 1: Input/Output and State-Space Models This lecture presents some basic definitions and simple examples on nonlinear dynam
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Using control authority to transform nonlinear models into linear ones is one of the most commonly used ideas of practical nonlinear control design. Generally, the trick helps one to recognize \simple\nonlinear feedback design tasks
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12.1 Systems with controllable linearizations A relatively straightforward case of local controllability analysis is defined by systems with controllable linearizations 12.1.1 Controllability of linearized system Let To: 0, THR, uo: 0, T]H Rm be a
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This lecture presents results describing the relation between existence of Lyapunov or storage functions and stability of dynamical systems 6.1 Stability of an equilibria
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.243j(Fall 2003): DYNAMICS OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS
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In particular, when o=0, this yields the definition of a Lyapunov function Finding, for a given supply rate, a valid storage function(or at least proving that one exists)is a major challenge in constructive analysis of nonlinear systems. The most com-
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《大学物理教程》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,上册)第八章 狭义相对论 §8.4 狭义相对论动力学基础 §8.5 狭义相对论的意义和局限
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重庆三峡学院:《化学反应工程》教学资源(电子教案)第二章 均相反应动力学基础(链(锁)反应)
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主要研究药物的体内过程及体内药物浓度随时间变化的规律 (运用数学原理和方法研究药物在体内的量变)
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《水动力学研究与进展》:基于Level set方法的不同湍流模型在水翼空化流计算中的应用研究
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