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Microeconomics Microeconomics(微观经济学) is the study of how individual households and firms make decisions and how they interact with one another in markets
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Real GDP versus Money GDP (实际GDP和名义GDP) Money GDP/Nominal GDP(名义GDP) values the production of goods and services at current prices(以现价). Real GDP(实际GDP) values the production of goods and services at constant prices(以不变价格)
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8-1: A Tour of the Labor Market 8-2: Movements in Unemployment 8-3: Wage Determination 8-4: Price Determination 8-5: The Natural Rate of Unemployment 8-6: Where We Go From Here
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employment GDP=DI consumption saving
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6-1: Openness in Goods Market 6-2: Openness in Financial Market 6-3: Conclusions and a Look ahead
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The foreign exchange(Forex)includes means of payments and assets denominated in foreign currency for international settlement
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1. Brief Introduction on Central Bank Four Players in Money Supply Process Structure of Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System The Fed’s Balance Sheet
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一、 商业票据(commercial paper) 二、 国债(treasury bill) 三、 银行存单(certificate of deposit) 四、公司债券(corporate bond) 五、 抵押债券(mortgage) 六、回购协议(repurchase agreement)
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4-1: The Demand for Money 4-2: The Determination of the Interest Rate: I 4-3: The Determination of the InterestRate:Ⅱ
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一、本章教学目的与要求: 总需求的定义、内容; 总需求曲线的定义、推导、斜率和平移;
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