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1. 了解信号采集过程中抽取功能的作用; 2. 掌握分级计数器的设计原理; 3. 掌握利用计数器控制FIFO写使能以实现抽取的方法
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一、学习者特征分析概述 二、认知发展特征分析 三、学习者的起点水平分析 四、学习者学习风格的分析
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 定义:HD, IM, 交调点  MOS管的非线性 单端放大器 差分放大器  双极型晶体管的非线性  负反馈能够减小非线性  运算放大器的非线性  其他非线性和准则
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1、使学生了解建筑构造研究的对象和任务; 2、掌握建筑物的组成及各组成部分的作用; 3、了解影响建筑构造的因素; 4、掌握建筑构造设计原则
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 噪声定义  共源放大器的噪声  源极跟随器的噪声  共栅放大器的噪声  电流镜的噪声  差分对的噪声  密勒CMOS OTA的噪声  容性噪声匹配  电压/电流检测器的噪声对比
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 导言  跨阻放大器的并联-并联反馈  电流放大器的并联-串联反馈  低噪声和高频的跨阻放大器
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 定义  电压放大器的串联-并联反馈  跨导放大器的串联-串联反馈
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Computation of Stress, Crack width and Reflection of RC Flexural Members  Characteristics of use of reinforced concrete beam during the calculation.  The concept of transformed section and the geometric characteristics.  The stress state of reinforced concrete short-term checking.  Flexural members of the cracks and the maximum width of crack.  Deformation of flexural members.  Durability of concrete structures
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bias components are the mechanical characteristics of cross sections and two failure modes, Boundaries and determine the size of bias conditions; Familiar with eccentric compression of the second-order effect and calculation; Eccentric rectangular cross-section bearing capacity of compression members is calculated, Including the formula, the formula of the applicable conditions of reinforcement and non-symmetrical Design and reinforcement of the cross-section symmetrical cross section for review; I-shaped, T shaped eccentric compression AND CIVIL ENGINEERING Calculation method; Circular section eccentric compression member cross section design and review; Eccentric compression reinforcement of the structure and reasonable layout requirements
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