一、化学计量学介绍 a brief introduction of chemometrics 二、信息评价 information appraise 三、信号与噪声 signal and noise 四、信号的处理技术 technology of signal process 五、多元分析方法 polybasis analysis methods
平推流反应器 Piston Flow Reactor (PFR) 活塞流模型或理想置换模型 This type of units is illustrated in the following figure. This reactor consists of a tube inside which the reaction medium flows. This makes i t t h e s i m p l e s t s t r u c t u r e conceivable f or a continuou s o p e r a ti o n s ys t em . Th e h ea t exchange necessary to add heat to the system or to remove it generally occurs ac ros s the tube wall