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History and Policy in the Fifties Reading: Chapters 1-10, The Heavens and the Earth Big Themes: Technocracy as a way for a nation to accomplish tasks mon The impact of the thermonuclear bomb and the technology of missiles The Cold War as a contest between Communism and Capitalism
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Recall from lecture 22 °Flow value:f=f(s,V) Cut: Any partition (S, T)of y such that s E S andt∈T Lemma. f=f(s, T) for any cut(S, T) Corollary. f(s, T) for any cut(S, T) Residual graph: The graph G=(v, ef) with strictly positive residual capacities c u, v) c(u,)-f(2y)>0
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麻省理工学院:《算法导论》(英文版) Lecture 21 Prof charles e. leiserson
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Shortest paths Single-source shortest paths nonnegative edge weights Dijkstra's algorithm: O(E+ vlg n General
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Paths in graphs Consider a digraph g=(v, E)with edge-weight function w:E→>R. The weight of path p=v1→ →>…→> vi is defined to be (D)=∑(n,1)
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Dynamic programming Design technique, like divide-and-conquer Example: Longest Common Subsequence (LCs) Given two sequences x[l.. m] and yll.n], find a longest subsequence common to them both a' not the
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Fixed -universe successor problem Goal: maintain a dynamic subset s of size n of the universe 0=10, 1,.,u-1 of size u subject to these operations INSERT(X∈U\\S): Add x to s DELETE(X E S): Remove x from S
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ynamic order statistics OS-SELECT(i, S): returns the i th smallest element in the dynamic set S. OS-RANK(, S): returns the rank ofx E S in the sorted order of s s elements IDEA: Use a red-black tree for the set S, but keep subtree sizes in the nodes
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Binary-search-tree sort 7∈ b Create an empty Bst for i=i to n do trEe-INSert(,AiD) Perform an inorder tree walk of t Example:
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Symbol-table problem Symbol table T holding n records
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