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早期程序员们使用机器语言(Machine Language) 来进行编程运算,直接对以二进制表示的机器代 码进行操作。后来为了便于阅读,人们开始用一 些特定的符号来代替某些操作,然后由专门的转 换程序将这些符号转换为机器语言。这种语言相 对于机器语言来说,比较容易记忆 和学习,被称为符号语言,或汇编语言
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5.1程序设计概念 5.2程序设计语言的发展 5.3程序设计语言中的一些术 5.4结构化程序设计方法 5.5面向对象程序设计 5.6流行语言介绍 5.7程序设计语言的发展趋势
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9.1数据库概述 9.2关系型数据库 9.3面向对象数据库
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7.1数据结构的概念 7.2几种典型的数据结构 7.3查找 7.4排序
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3.1操作系统的发展 3.2操作系统的结构 3.3现代操作系统处理的难题 3.4网络操作系统和分布式操作系统
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1.1图灵机 1.2位的存储 1.3存储器 1.4数据在计算机中的表示 1.5数据压缩 1.6数据传输误码及对策
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绪论 第1篇计算机系统结构 第2篇计算机软件 第3篇数据组织 第4篇计算机安全
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大连理工大学:《环境化学》课程电子教案(PPT教学课件)第一章 环境科学、技术与化学 Environmental Science, Technology, and Chemistry
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Professor and Chairman Department of Pediatrics, Tongji Hospital Director, Center for the Diagnosis of Genetic Metabolic Diseases Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology Adjunct Professor
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Aggregate Demand ll Science is a parasite: the greater the patient population the better the ad ance in physiology and pathology; and out of pathology arises therapy The year 1932 was the trough of the great depression, and from its rotten soil was belatedly begot a new subject that today we call macroeconomics In Chapter 10 we assembled the pieces of the IS-LM model. We saw that the IS curve represents the equilibrium in the market for goods and services, that the LM curve represents the equilibrium in the market for real money balances, and that the IS and LM curves together
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