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1.化学反应中伴随热效应,放热或吸热 2.化学反应的方向性,自发或非自发,进行的程度H2+O2H2O自发(需要活化能)
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Structure Editor Window o open the structure Editor window o click the structure Editor the main tool bar se the Tools I Structure Editor item structure by choosing the File I Open I Structure menu item and structure Editor will start automatically Only one Structure Editor window can be opened at any one time in the program. If you click the structure Editor button, or you choose the Too/s I Structure Editor menu, and the Structure Editor is already opened, this window becomes active
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14.1C++流的概念 14.2格式化I/O 14.3检测流操作的错误 14.4文件流 14.5字符串流
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气体混合过程的不可逆性 将N2和O2放在一盒内隔板的两边,抽去隔板, N2和O2自动混合,直至平衡。 这是混乱度增加的过程,也是熵增加的过程, 是自发的过程,其逆过程决不会自动发生
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Economist.comSURVEYS The price of profligacy Sep 18th 2003 From The Economist print edition How bad is America's borrowing binge? \I JUST think it's a meaningless concept\That was the verdict of Paul O'Neill, George Bush's plain-spoken first Treasury secretary on the current-account deficit. Mr O'Neill reckoned it was silly to worry about external imbalances in a global economy where capital flows
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一、选择题(共10题20分) 1.2分(4315) 4315 某燃料电池的反应为: 1 H2(g)+O2(g)-→H2O(g) 2 在400K时的Hm和△Sm分别为-251.6k·ol和-50j.kmol则该 电池的电动势为: () (A)1.2V (B)2.4V (C)1.4V (D)2.8V
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由PLC程序设计者自行定义,如在 SINUMERIK810数控系统 中,机床侧的某一开关信号通过IO端子板输入至I/O模块 中,参阅图0-1所示。设该开关信号用1102来定义,在软键功 能 DIAGNOSIS的 PLC STATUS状态下,通过观察IBl0的第 2位“0”或“1”来获知该开关信号是否有效 11.2PLC至机床 PLC控制机床的信号通过PLC的开关量输出接口送到机床 侧,所有开关量输出信号的含义及所占用PLC的地址均可由 PLC程序设计者自行定义
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醇、醚是烃的含氧衍生物之一。醇的分子中含有羟基(一OH)官能团。羟基直接与 脂肪烃基相连的是醇类化合物。醚是氧原子直接与两个烃基相连的化合物(ROR、 Ar-O-Ar或R-O-Ar),通常是由醇或酚制得,是醇或酚的官能团异构体
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REGIONAL STRESS REGIMES (ANDERSON THEORY OF FAULTING) 2 is located parallel to the fault plane, normal to the direction of slipl 3 is located normal to o, and o2/ Earth's surface is a principal plane of stress Ideal fault geometry
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设有一质点M,质量为m,在力F的作用下运动。任取 一固定点O,动点M的位置用矢径r表示,它的动量 为mv。则矢径r与动量mv的矢积rXmv则称为质点 的动量对O点的矩,用L表示。Lo=rXmv. 动量矩的单位,国际单位制为kgm2/s或Nms,工程单 位制为kgms
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