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1 生化概念和研究内容 2 发展史 3 与其它学科的关系 4 应用与前景
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A remarkab|efie|d e One of the two leading technologies in structural biolog y Great contributions to biology A special window to the development of modern structural biology and biophysics THNMR YAN
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NMR supplement The second decade into the third millenium Kurt Wuthrich NMR spectroscopy is one of the principal experimental techniques of structural biology, with abilities to determine atomic resolution structures as well as investigate dynamics and intermolecular interactions of
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一、遗传密码的破译 二、概念 三、遗传密码的基本特性 四、突变的效应及遗传密码的防错系统
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Atropine, block muscarinic receptors, causing inhibition of all muscarinic functions. 【 Source and chemistry】: alkaloid 生物碱 Stramonium曼陀罗 Belladonna颠茄 hron apple(曼陀罗)
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一、RNA转录概述 二、细菌的RNA聚合酶及其转录 三、真核生物的RNA聚合酶及其转录 四、真核生物基因转录的启动子 五、Ⅱ类基因转录的转录因子和转录起始复合物
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甘肃农业大学:《分子生物学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第七章 DNA的重组与转座 recombination and transposition
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甘肃农业大学:《分子生物学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第六章 DNA的损伤、修复和基因突变
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甘肃农业大学:《分子生物学》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第四章 基因与基因组的结构与功能
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