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第一节 培养基的选择与制备 第二节 工业发酵培养基 第三节 基因工程菌发酵培养基 第四节 淀粉水解糖的制备 第五节 糖蜜原料 第六节 石油代粮发酵 第七节 其他物质
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油脂的同质多晶现象;油脂中常见乳化剂的乳化原理;油脂自动氧化的自由基反应历程的机理,酚类及类胡萝卜素的抗氧化机理;油脂加工的化学原理和方法;食品中脂肪含量的测定,脂肪过氧化值、酸价的测定。 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Structure and Composition of Fat 4.3 The Physical Properties of Fat 4.4 The Chemical Properties of Fat 4.5 Quality Evaluation of Fat and Oil 4.6 Chemistry in Processing of Fat and Oil 4.7 Complex Lipids and Derivative Lipids 4.8 The Determination of Fats in Food
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Market Efficiency - Market Failures Recall that: Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the marketplace leads self￾interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market
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“The best things in life are free. . . ” Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysis Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets… …for these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers
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The Law of Supply: uFirms are willing to produce and sell a greater quantity of a good when the price of the good is high. uThis results in a supply curve that slopes upward
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第一节 概述 第二节 大米 第三节 小麦与小麦粉 第四节 玉米 第五节 其他麦类及杂谷类 第六节 大豆 第七节 马铃薯 第八节 甘薯
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The Meaning of Competition uA perfectly competitive market has the following characteristics: u There are many buyers and sellers in the market
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Monopoly While a competitive firm is a price taker, a monopoly firm is a price maker
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病原微生物:能引起人和畜禽发病的微生物。 *条件性病原微生物:在一定条件下,能引起人和畜禽发病的微生物。 *腐生性病原微生物:一些微生物本身并不一定侵入动物体内,而是以其有毒代谢产物,随同食物或饲料进入人或动物机体,呈现毒害作用,此类微生物称为——
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1、灭菌的原理和方法 2、培养基的灭菌 3、湿热灭菌原理和影响灭菌的因素 4、间歇灭菌 5、连续灭菌
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