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广东外语外贸大学:《市场营销学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第五章 消费者行为分析
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广东外语外贸大学:《市场营销学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第四章 市场营销环境
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第一篇 目标管理概要 第二篇 目标管理的程序 第三篇 目标的设定与分解 第四篇 目标管理的实施 第五篇 目标的考核
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:5.11MB 文档页数:28
• 2.1.0 线性规划发展简史 • 2.1.1 基本定理与标准形式 • 2.1.2 极点的代数特征
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一、基本抽样问题 1 基本概念 2 制定抽样计划的步骤 3 抽样误差与非抽样误差 4 概率抽样方法 5 非概率抽样方法
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The Multiple Regression Model Contribution of Individual Independent Variables Coefficient of Determination Categorical Explanatory Variables Transformation of Variables Model Building
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To detine multivariate analysis. To describe multiple regression analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. To learn about factor analysis and cluster analysis. gain an appreciation of perceptua mapping. To develop an understanding of conjoint analysis
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Total Quality Management (TQM) Theory of Process Management The Theory of Control Charts Common Cause Variation Vs Special Cause Variation Control Charts for the Proportion of Nonconforming Items Process Variability Control charts for the Mean and the Range
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The Payoff Table and Decision Trees Opportunity Loss Criteria for Decision Making Expected Monetary Value Expected Profit Under Certainty Return to Risk Ratio Decision Making with Sample Information Utility
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Component Factors of the Time-Series Model Smoothing of Data Series Moving Averages Exponential Smoothing Least Square Trend Fitting and Forecasting Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models Autoregressive Models Choosing Appropriate Models Monthly or Quarterly Data
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