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Brittle deformation = the permanent change that occurs in a solid material due to the growth of fractures and/or sliding on fractures. A fracture is a surface of discontinuity (includes cracks, joints and faults). Faults result from shear stresses, and joints result from tensile stresses:
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Tectonic Earthquakes Most earthquakes occur at plate margins due to tension, compression or shearing forces. Rocks at plate margins are in constant motion and are being pushed, pulled, bent, twisted and folded
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Corresponding author. E-mail address: ring@mail.uni-mainz.de (U. Ring) 1 Institut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Becherweg 21, 55099 Mainz, Germany 2 Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University, 210 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, CT 06520, USA January
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September 8, 2000 1. Describe the difference between slip and separation on a fault. 2. What type of offset() can be interpreted from the map below? Give a detailed description of your logic on the back of the page
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1. What is the significance of the concept of \principal stress\? 2. Sketch a 2D stress ellipse for the case 01=5GPa and 02= 2GPa where 01 is vertical
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1. Place all books and notes on the floor. 2. Read each question carefully, then read it again. 3. ThinkThinkThinkThinkThink
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1. Compare Stearns' Type 2 fracture pattern to the okljoints from the class notes. Draw a diagram and discuss the nature and occurrence of the fracture(s)
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What is a flower structure? Draw an example of a flower structure in the box below
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Draw a diagrammatic cross section of the eastern side of ridge 3 in the box below
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