Homework 8 Geology 3063 Novermber 3, 2000 1. What is the significance of the concept of "principal stress"? 2. Sketch a 2D stress ellipse for the case 01=5GPa and 02= 2GPa where 01 is vertical. Last Modified November 3, 2000 Fall 2000
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Structural Geology-Homework 7 3. Calculate on and os for a listric normal growth fault where 01= 2 X pgz, and horizontal and extensional, and 02= pgz at depths of 100m, 500m, and 1km. Assume that the fault goes into a horizontal decollement at 1km, and that it has a dip of 75 at the surface. Also assume that the density of the system is uniform at 2.5-g3.Show your work. Inc cluding a sketch of the physical system Last Modified November 3, 2000 Fall 2000
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