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供应链管理(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 9 International issues in SCM
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• Meaning of Risk Management • Objectives of Risk Management • Steps in the RM Process • Benefits of Risk Management • Personal RM • Corporate RM – ERM (FMEA)
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0: What are SECURITIes? A: Financial assets that Investors purchase hoping to earn a high rate of return
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Top Creators of shareholder value 1999 invested cost of MVA capital return capital Microsoft3282571095456.16%12.64 Gen elect285,320652981929911.92 Intel
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一、名词解释(每题3分,共15分) 1.实质重于形式原则 2.复式记账法 3.固定资产
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:170.5KB 文档页数:47
Where we've been. Basic Skills:(Time value of money, Financial Statements) Investments: (Stocks, Bonds, Risk and Return) Corporate Finance: (The Investment Decision- Capital Budgeting)
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第一节 物业企业保险基础 第二节 物业企业保险实务
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一、收入的概念及分类、收入的确认 (一)收入的概念及分类 (二)收入的确认 二、主营业务收入的核算 三、其他业务收入的核算
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Three Measures of a Project's Risk Project Standing Alone risk
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Security valuation In general, the intrinsic value of an asset= the present value of the stream of expected cash flows discounted at an appropriate required rate of return
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