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Fast Solutions to CSPs Presented by: Robert Effinger Dan Lovell Presented To: 16.412J Cognitive Robotics MIT References: \Dynamic Backtracking\ Matthew L. Ginsberg, CIRL, University of Oregon Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 1(1993)
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Distributed constraint Satisfaction problems 2 Asynchronous algorithms Thomas leaute 16.412J-Cognitive Robotics april 7. 2004 Presentation outline Introduction to CSPs and DCSPs 2. The Asynchronous Backtracking Algorithm 3. The asynchronous Weak-Commitment Search algorithm 4. Conclusion and Introduction to the task Allocation problem M. Yokoo, E Durfee, T. Ishida and K. Kuwabara, Distributed Constraint Satisfa
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Fast Solutions to CSp's Based on PROSSER, P. Hybrid algorithms for the constraint satisfaction problem. Computational Intelligence
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Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael. Littman and Anthony R. Cassandra, \Planning and Acting in Partially Observable Stochastic Domains,\ Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 101, 1998. j. Pineau,g. Gordon&s. Thrun\Point-based- value iteration: An anytime algorithm for POMDPs\. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence(JCAI) Acapulco, Mexico. Aug
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Outline Lightning Summary Black Box Model of SIFT SLAM Vision System Challenges in Computer Vision What these challenges mean for visual SLAM How SIFT extracts candidate landmarks How landmarks are tracked in SIFT SLAM Alternative vision-based SLAM systems Open questions
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Review: Constraint-based Interval Planning Simple Temporal Networks Schedulability and Scheduling Review: Temporal, Model-based Programming Managing Execution Uncertainty Execution with Dynamic Scheduling Execution with Explicit Models of Uncertainty
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