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Problem set 3 Micro Susen Wang Try to do most problems in MWG(1995), Chapters 7-9 Question 3.1.(Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium). A principal hires an agent to perform some service at a price(which is supposed to equal the cost of the service The principal and the agent have initial
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This unit is intended to help us get a broader perspect Brain drain” After I hould be able to 1) Understand how the author looks at \Brain Drain 2) And how to cope with this challenging problem 3) Understand the writing method of making contrast in an argumentative essay king contrast
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1. To help Ss understand that we have some common ways of communication which are seldom considered as part of the process. 2. To help Ss understand that prejudice can arise from names, appearance and dress,hence enable them to communicate more smoothly
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Environmental Protection Throughout the world Teaching Objectives: This unit is intended to promote the students awareness of environmental protection. Afte learning it, SS should be able to have a general idea of the environmental conditions in the countries and regions discussed In the text have a basic knowledge of measures taken by the governments to protect the environment
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Teaching Objectives: This unit help us learn what you can do to protect yourself, your family, your friends and neighbors. Every person can make a difference. After learning it, students should be able to: 1)learn about AIDS and know how to protect ourselves
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How to use the reference guide Key aspects relating to food irradiation are listed irradiation the range of currently applied and alphabetically. a full list of entries can be found at the ' emerging servation technologies. Each entry end of the book, headings are also classified into: Main in the refer
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Prof. Sally Haslanger December 2, 2001 Kantian Ethics (and more on famine) So far we've looked at egoist and utilitarian approaches to ethics. The main objection we considered to egoism was that it failed to accommodate the common sense idea that morality involves a kind of impartiality, at the very least it seems that
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present discussion it is useful to distinguish among four crime different general approaches(three of which seek to reduce principally through the operations of the law enforcement criminal motivation), which are distinguished by their own and criminal justice systems. These \formal\ systems of set of objectives and techniques. These four approaches to rime pr enti control serve the dual purpose of deterring law-breaking crime prevention are:
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November 21, 2001 Ethical Egoism Here are three questions (of course there are others)we might want an ethical theory to answer for us: i)Which acts are right and which are wrong? Which acts ought we to perform(understandir the\ought\ as moral \ought\)? ii)What makes a particular action right or wrong? What is it about the action that determines its moral status? ii)How do we know what is right and wrong? Remember that according to relativism, whether an action is right or wrong
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1.10 bjectives(教学目的和要求) Effective use of information technology has become critical to the success of business. The course is designed to prepare students for applying cutting edge formation techno logy to make advances in business practice as well as research. The course covers topics including business intelligence, logistics, information security, data warehousing, machine learning, etc
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