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1.10 bjectives(教学目的和要求) Effective use of information technology has become critical to the success of business. The course is designed to prepare students for applying cutting edge formation techno logy to make advances in business practice as well as research. The course covers topics including business intelligence, logistics, information security, data warehousing, machine learning, etc.

Syllabus of advanced Topics of Information Technology in Business 《现代企业管理中信息技术前沿》教学大纲 1 Course Information and the Purpose(编写说明) 1.10 bjectives(教学目的和要求) Effective use of information techno logy has become critical to the success of business. The course is designed to prepare students for applying cutting edge information technology to make advances in business practice as well as research The course covers topics including business intelligence, logistics, information security, data warehousing, machine learning, etc. 课程的目的是介绍信息技术的最新技术趋势和管理发展,为学员今后面对IT的挑战、 应用IT技术推进企业进步打下基础 1.2 Course Format and Activities(教学体系) This course will be organized in seminars. The students are required to actively participate in the class discussions, devote creative ideas, and prepare a term paper. The course materials, including class slides, are presented in English 讲座式教学,要求学员积极参与体现主体角色,展现才华,并撰写论文。为培养学员的 外语阅读和理解能力,明显提高听力,特采用英语素材,采用英语PT并授课,需要时用中 文作简要解释。 2 Course Contents(教学大纲内容) Chapter 1. Business Intelligence Chapter 2. CPU development Chapter 3. It in Supply Chain and logistics Chapter 4. Security issues in electronic commerce Chapter 5. IT management Chapter 6. Introduction to Machine Learning

Syllabus of Advanced Topics of Information Technology in Business 《现代企业管理中信息技术前沿》教学大纲 1 Course Information and the Purpose (编写说明) 1.1 Objectives (教学目的和要求) Effective use of information technology has become critical to the success of business. The course is designed to prepare students for applying cutting edge information technology to make advances in business practice as well as research. The course covers topics including business intelligence, logistics, information security, data warehousing, machine learning, etc. 课程的目的是介绍信息技术的最新技术趋势和管理发展,为学员今后面对 IT 的挑战、 应用 IT 技术推进企业进步打下基础。 1.2 Course Format and Activities (教学体系) This course will be organized in seminars. The students are required to actively participate in the class discussions, devote creative ideas, and prepare a term paper. The course materials, including class slides, are presented in English. 讲座式教学,要求学员积极参与体现主体角色,展现才华,并撰写论文。为培养学员的 外语阅读和理解能力,明显提高听力,特采用英语素材,采用英语 PPT 并授课,需要时用中 文作简要解释。 2 Course Contents (教学大纲内容) Chapter 1. Business Intelligence Chapter 2. CPU development Chapter 3. IT in Supply Chain and Logistics Chapter 4. Security issues in electronic commerce Chapter 5. IT management Chapter 6. Introduction to Machine Learning

Chapter 7. Data warehousing Chapter 8. Concept Learning Chapter 9. Decision Tree Learning Chapter 10. Artificial Neural Networks Chapter 11 Association and Clustering 教学内容取自最新版教材和论文,以及互联网。IT发展极快,新事物层出不穷。以下 教学大纲内容仅供参考,具体内容和进度会随时间和技术的发展而变化 3 Evaluation(考核方式及成绩评定标准) Grading(考核方式): Class discussion(讨论)+ Term paper(论文) 平时表现和论文的质量、创新性是对学员的主要考核手段。 4 Textbook and References(教材及主要参考书) Textbook:取自最新版教材、论文、互联网,具体内容会随时间和技术的发展而变化。 References [1] Tom Mitchell. Machine Learning. McGraw Hill, 1997 [2] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006 Instructor(执笔人):王光明、刘君强 2006-02-18

Chapter 7. Data warehousing Chapter 8. Concept Learning Chapter 9. Decision Tree Learning Chapter 10. Artificial Neural Networks Chapter 11 Association and Clustering 教学内容取自最新版教材和论文,以及互联网。IT 发展极快,新事物层出不穷。以下 教学大纲内容仅供参考,具体内容和进度会随时间和技术的发展而变化。 3 Evaluation (考核方式及成绩评定标准) Grading (考核方式):Class discussion(讨论) + Term paper(论文) 平时表现和论文的质量、创新性是对学员的主要考核手段。 4 Textbook and References (教材及主要参考书) Textbook:取自最新版教材、论文、互联网,具体内容会随时间和技术的发展而变化。 References: [1] Tom Mitchell. Machine Learning. McGraw Hill, 1997. [2] Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006. Instructor (执笔人): 王光明、刘君强 2006-02-18

浙江工商大学研究生课程 授课计划(博士) 学院_工商管理学院 主讲教师_王光明、刘君强 课程名称现代企业管理中信息技术前沿班级仚业管理θ5博授课时间2005306学年第2学期 周课时2 学分 周时 周|时 数数 教学内容 教学内容 数 Chapter 1 Business 112 Chapter 7 Data warehousing Intelligence 22 Chapter 1(continued) 12 2 Chapter 8 Concept Learning 3 2 Chapter 2 CPU development132 Chapter 9 Decision Tree Learning 42 Chapter 3 IT in Supply Chain Chapter 9(continued) and logistics Chapter 3(continued) 15 Chapter 10 Artificial Neural Networks Chapter 4 Security issues 62 electronic commerce Chapter 10(continued) 7 4(continued) 172 Chapter 11 Association and Clustering 8 2 Chapter 5 IT management 182 Students'Presentation(I) 9|2 Students'Presentation(D Chapter 6 Introduction to Machine Learning 注:本表一式三份,开学两周内交研究生部一份、教研室一份、教师留存一份。 主管院长或学科带头人

浙江工商大学研究生课程 授课计划(博士) 学 院 工商管理学院 系别 主讲教师 王光明、刘君强 课程名称 现代企业管理中信息技术前沿 班级 企业管理 05 博 授课时间 2005/06 学年第 2 学期 周 课 时 2 学 分 2 周 数 时 数 教 学 内 容 周 数 时 数 教 学 内 容 1 2 Chapter 1 Business Intelligence 11 2 Chapter 7 Data warehousing 2 2 Chapter 1 (continued) 12 2 Chapter 8 Concept Learning 3 2 Chapter 2 CPU development 13 2 Chapter 9 Decision Tree Learning 4 2 Chapter 3 IT in Supply Chain and Logistics 14 2 Chapter 9 (continued) 5 2 Chapter 3 (continued) 15 2 Chapter 10 Artificial Neural Networks 6 2 Chapter 4 Security issues in electronic commerce 16 2 Chapter 10 (continued) 7 2 Chapter 4 (continued) 17 2 Chapter 11 Association and Clustering 8 2 Chapter 5 IT management 18 2 Students' Presentation (II) 9 2 Students' Presentation (I) 19 10 2 Chapter 6 Introduction to Machine Learning 20 注:本表一式三份,开学两周内交研究生部一份、教研室一份、教师留存一份。 主管院长或学科带头人



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