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To develop a subclass from a superclass through inheritance (§8.2). To invoke the superclass’s constructors and methods using the super keyword (§8.3). To override methods in the subclass (§8.4). To explore the useful methods (equals(Object), hashCode(), toString(), finalize(), clone(), and getClass()) in the Object class (§8.5, §8.11 Optional). To comprehend polymorphism, dynamic binding, and generic programming (§8.6). To describe casting and explain why explicit downcasting is necessary (§8.7). To understand the effect of hiding data fields and static methods (§8.8 Optional). To restrict access to data and methods using the protected visibility modifier (§8.9). To declare constants, unmodifiable methods, and nonextendable class using the final modifier (§8.10). To initialize data using initialization blocks and distinguish between instance initialization and static initialization blocks (§8.12 Optioanl)
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第 1 章 MATLAB简介 第 2 章 MATLAB 语言基础 第 3 章 MATLAB 数值运算 第 4 章 结构数组与细胞数组 第 5 章 MATLAB 符号运算 第 6 章 MATLAB 程序设计 第 7 章 MATLAB 数据可视化. 第 8 章 交互式仿真集成环境SIMULINK
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重载函数 自己编写函数 函数模版 函数的使用 变量的作用域 数组作为参数 变量的存储类别 带默认值的函数 递归函数 内联函数 基于递归的算法
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指针的概念 指针运算与数组 动态内存分配 字符串再讨论 指针作为函数参数和返回值 指针数组与多级指针 指向多维数组的指针 指向函数的指针
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⚫类的继承与派生 ⚫类成员的访问控制 ⚫单继承与多继承 ⚫派生类的构造、析构函数 ⚫多级多继承中成员的标识与访问
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To design and use abstract classes (§9.2). To process calendar using the Calendar and GregorianCalendar classes (§9.3). To declare interfaces to model weak inheritance relationships (§9.4). To define a natural order using the Comparable interface (§9.4). To know the similarities and differences between an abstract class and interface (§9.4). To enable objects cloneable using the Cloneable interface (§9.4.4 Optional). To use wrapper classes (Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, and Boolean) to wrap primitive data values into objects (§9.5). To create a generic sort method (§9.5). To simplify programming using JDK 1.5 automatic conversion between primitive types and wrapper class types (§9.6)
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 完成本章内容之后我们将能够:  掌握与UI相关的API和组件  知道如何处理用户的输入  了解Series 60 和UIQ UI的相同和不同之处
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⚫ 面向对象的思想 ⚫ OOP的基本特点 ⚫ 类概念和声明 ⚫ 对象 ⚫ 构造函数 ⚫ 析构函数 ⚫ 内联成员函数 ⚫ 拷贝构造函数 ⚫ 类的组合
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⚫ To explain the concept of event-driven programming (§12.2). ⚫ To understand event, event source, and event classes (§12.2). ⚫ To declare listener classes and write the code to handle events (§11.3). ⚫ To register listener objects in the source object (§11.3). ⚫ To understand how an event is handled (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with ActionEvent (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with MouseEvent (§11.4). ⚫ To write programs to deal with KeyEvent (§11.5). ⚫ To use the Timer class to control animations (§11.6 Optional)
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⚫ To create graphical user interfaces with various user-interface components: JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JList, JScrollBar, and JSlider (§13.2 – 13.12). ⚫ To create listeners for various types of events (§13.2 – 13.12). ⚫ To use borders to visually group user-interface components (§13.2). ⚫ To create image icons using the ImageIcon class (§13.3). ⚫ To display multiple windows in an application (§13.13). ⚫ To know how to create menu
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