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我国经济发展经历了从国有国营到放权让利、到国企部分转让所有权、乃至将那些 中小型国企所有权全部转让的大致历程。在这一过程中,一种主导思想认为国有导致产权 不清晰、代理成本高,将国企改造为股份制,就能够解决这一问题。然而,我国资本市场 大量上市公司仍然出现了各种不应该有的现象如公司舞弊(银广夏、蓝田股份等)
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问答题 1.什么叫会计循环?一个完整的会计循环包括哪些基本步骤? 2.企业经济业务与会计核算之间存在什么关系?
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一、化学技术监督概述 化学技术监督的目的是及时发现问题,消除隐患,防止电力设备在基建、启动、 运行和停、备用期间,由于水、汽、气、燃料品质不良而引起的事故,处长设备 的使用寿命,保证机组安全可靠运行。因此,化学技术监督工作是保证电力设备 安全、经济、稳定发、供电的一项重要措施。设计、基建、安装、调试及各发电、 供电单位应密切配合切实做好这项工作
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本课程是物流工程专业的专业基础课,也可以作为交通运输专业学习物流知识的基础课和其他 专业选修,主要目的是使学生了解有关物流的最基本的内涵,为以后系统学习物流的知识打下一个 基础
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三、多项选择题 (每题2分,共20分) 1、物流思想起源于: A美国B英国C日本D中国 2、以下哪些活动属于物流活动 A广告B质量检验C包装D库存
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1. Given the government expenditure, whether the government budget is in surp lus or deficit dep ends on the tax revenue which itself depends on rate of tax. Please derive the tax rate at which the government budget is in balance. Draw the graph that reflects the relation between tax rate and deficit (or surplus)
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Question 1 Suppose in an open economy the consumption function take the form C=100+0.8 Tax is the proportion of income with the tax rate to be given by 0. 2. Meanwhile import depends on the domestic income with the function given by
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What is economics? Normative Definition Economics is the science that studies how to efficiently allocate economic resources Positive definition economics is the science that studies how an economy operates or how economic variables are
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Introduction The aim of this chapter is to study how output is determined in Keynesian framework. The analysis in this chapter is often named multiplier analysis
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Introduction The objective of this chapter is to put the previously discussed two models --the models of product market and money market --together and discuss how output and interest rate is determined The model presented in this chapter is often called the IS-LM model (IS: the product market model; LM the money market model)
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