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Chapter 12 Contents The process of personal portfolio selection The trade-off between expected return and risk Efficient diversification with many risky assets
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Using Present Value Formulas to value Known Flows The Basic Building Blocks: Pure Discount Bonds Coupon Bonds, Current Yield, and Yield-To-Maturity Reading Bond Listings Why Yields for the Same Maturity Differ The Behavior of Bond Prices over Time
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:291.5KB 文档页数:37
School of Management About my name About my TA About the course About the requirements 20% assignment class performance 15%mid- term test 65% final test About the book and authors
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Chapter 4 Contents Compounding Perpetual Annuities Frequency of Compounding Loan Amortization Present Value and Exchange Rates and Time Discounting Value of Money Alternative Discounted Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules Cash Flow Analysis Multiple Cash Flows Taxes and Investment Annuities
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3.1引言 3.2多媒体信息同步描述法 3.3多媒体同步控制机制
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7.1引言 7.2QS参数体系结构 7.3QS管理机制 7.4QS管理协议 7.5QS管理模型和实现机制
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8.1引言 8.2多媒体会议系统 8.3视频点播系统 8.4远程教育系统 8.5远程医疗系统
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.03MB 文档页数:124
6.1引言 6.2TCP/IP协议简介 6.3IPv6协议 6.4RSVP协议 6.5STⅡ协议 6.6RTP协议
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5.1引言 5.2基于LAN的接入 5.3基于交互式电视网的接入 5.4基于电话网的ADSL接入
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.62MB 文档页数:122
4.1引言 4.2100BAse-T网络 4.3千兆位以太网 4.4100Vg- -AnyLAN网络 4.5FDDI网络 4.6ATM网络 4.7交换式网络 4.8广域网络
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