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Characteristics of Bonds o Bonds pay fixed coupon ( interest) payments at fixed intervals(usually every 6 months)and pay the par value at maturity
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Chapter 6: Objectives Inflation and rates of return How to measure risk (variance, standard deviation, beta) How to reduce risk (diversification) How to price risk (Security market line, CAPM)
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The Time value of money Compounding and Discounting Single Sums
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Term loans Characteristics of Term Loans Secured loans 1-to 10-year maturity Repaid in periodic installments
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Corporate restructuring 1960s- Mergers of unrelated firms formed huge conglomerates 1980s-Investors purchased conglomerates and sold off the pieces as independent companies. 1990s- Strategic mergers of related firms to create synergies
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International Business finance Exchange Rate: the price of one currency in terms of another
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Innovations in Risk Management Futures contract a contract to buy or sell a stated commodity or financial claim at a specified price at some specified future time
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Accounts receivable Management Size of Investment in Accounts Receivable Percent of credit sales to Total sales Level of sales Terms of sale Quality of customer Collection Efforts
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Liquid asset management S CASH- motives for holding casha Transactions: to meet cash needs that arise from doing business. Precautionary: having cash on hand for unexpected needs Speculative: to take advantage of potential profit-making situations
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