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无时不在,无所不有的危险2003年夏, 淮河流域遭受特大洪涝袭击,仅地处淮河中游 的颍上县就有160万亩耕地受灾,倒房4. 6万间,直接经济损失高达十几亿元,全流域 的损失更是高达百亿元以上2003年2月2 4日,新疆喀什地区发生里氏6.8级地震, 地震受灾范围达22517平方公里,受灾人 口达十余万人
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实验目的 1.熟悉pentium微处理器指令系统和寻址方式 2.掌握汇编语言程序的编程与调试方法 实验内容 1.结合作业第二题熟悉pentium微处理器实模式下算术与逻辑运算指令的功 能,用 debug逐条观察各个指令执行前后的相关寄存器的标志位的变化。 2.masm6.11的使用和汇编语言程序的调试
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9.7 特殊精馏 * 9.7.1 恒沸精馏 9.7.2 萃取精馏 9.9 板式塔 9.9.1 塔板的类型 9.9.2 塔板的结构 9.9.1 塔板的类型及性能评价 9.9.2 塔板的结构 9.9.3 板式塔的流体力学性能和操作特性 9.9.4 板式塔工艺尺寸的计算
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按照原子理论,在每个原子里,电子环绕由中子和 质子组成的原子核而运动~称为电子云 原子核的线度≈5×10m电子云的线度≈5×10m 物质结构理论:
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一、电极化:在外电场作用下,介质内的质点(原子、分子 、离子)正负电荷重心的分离,使其转变成偶极子的过程。 或在外电场作用下,正、负电荷尽管可以逆向移动,但它们 并不能挣脱彼此的束缚而形成电流,只能产生微观尺度的相 对位移并使其转变成偶极子的过程
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1.磁场为有旋场,不能在全空间引入标势。 2.在电流为零区域引入磁标势可能非单值原因:静电力作功与路径无关,E.di=0引入的电势是单值的;而静磁场庄·di一般不为零,即静磁场作功与路径有关,即使在能引入的区域标势一般也不是单值的
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1 Introduction Background for New methodology Modern natural science methodology is mainly based on matter and energy Even though matter and energy are still necessitate factors in information system, yet the characteristic feature of information systems, particularly the complex ones, is neither matter nor energy but information Without information, the complex information systems, like brain and intelligent life. cannot be understood
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Problems to be concerned with 1. How should we define the concept of Information 2. What are the typical features of Information compared with matter and energy 3. What are the relationship and difference between Shannon Information and comprehensive Information 4. How to reasonably classify Information 5. How to properly represent Information
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1. Information Processing Definition of Information processing All operations exerted to the information itself for its better utilization Information processing is necessary because most of the information in its original form may not be good for use. Thus information processing is the basis of later operations Two categories of information processing: 1)Shallow Level of Information Processing 2)Deeper level of Information Processing
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3-1 Measures of Random Syntactic Information Shannon Theory of Information Key point: 1. Information is something that can be used to remove uncertainty. 2. The amount of information can then be measured by the amount of uncertainty it removed. 3. In the cases of communications, only waveform is concerned while meaning and value are ignored. 4. Uncertainty and thus information are statistic in nature and statistical mathematics is enough
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