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Tellegen's theorem 1: Consider a lumped network n consisting of N+1 nodes and B branches, let=[ b2DbB,i=. Where
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§15.4 静态工作点稳定的放大电路 §15.5 射极输出器 §15.6 差分放大电路 §15.7 功率放大电路
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Relationship between branch and loop currents
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§ 14.1 半导体的基本知识 § 14.2 PN 结及半导体二极管 § 14.3 特殊二极管 § 14.4 半导体三极管
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§3.4 脉冲激励下的RC电路 §3.5 含有多个储能元件的一阶电路
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Augmented loop matrix +1when branch b; is in loop lk and has the same orientation; B. =]; ={-1 when branch b; is in loop lk and has the opposite orientation; when branch; is not in loop lk
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清华大学:《电工与电子技术概论 Electrical and Electronics Engineering》课程教学资源(PPT课件)概论(周远翔)
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1. Augmented( incidence matrix of a directed graph nodes(N+1), branches(B)
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You are asked to set off from any piece of the lands and pass through all the seven bridges under the condition that each bridge can be used only once, so that you can finally return to the starting point
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We define transfer function H(s) as a ratio of the Laplace transform of system output (or response)(s) to the Laplace transform of the input(or forcing function)v(s) when all initial conditions are zero, then
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