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§3-1 概述 一、 振荡器的功能 二、 振荡器分类 三、反馈振荡器的含义与用途 §3-2 反馈振荡器的工作原理 一、构成框图 二、工作原理 : 包括 平衡条件起振条件 §3-4 晶体振荡器 §3-3 LC正弦波振荡器 一、 变压器反馈式振荡器 二、 三点式振荡器 三、差动对管振荡器 四、改进型电容三点式振荡器 五、频率稳定 §3-5 RC正弦波振荡器
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1、太平天国运动爆发的原因 2、太平天国运动的历史意义 3、太平天国运动的失败原因
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The Market Forces of Supply and Demand Supply and demand are the two words that economists use most often. Supply and demand are the forces that make market economies work. Modern microeconomics is about supply, demand, and market equilibrium
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§10-1 互感 §10-2 含有耦合电感电路的计算 §10-3 耦合电感的功率 §10-4 变压器原理 §10-5 理想变压器
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Elasticity . . . … is a measure of how much buyers and sellers respond to changes in market conditions … allows us to analyze supply and demand with greater precision
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In a free, unregulated market system, market forces establish equilibrium prices and exchange quantities. While equilibrium conditions may be efficient, it may be true that not everyone is satisfied
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Do the equilibrium price and quantity maximize the total welfare of buyers and sellers? Market equilibrium reflects the way markets allocate scarce resources. Whether the market allocation is desirable is determined by welfare economics
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The Costs of Taxation How do taxes affect the economic well- being of market participants?
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International Trade What determines whether a country imports or exports a good?
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Market Efficiency - Market Failures Recall that: Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the marketplace leads self￾interested buyers and sellers in a market to maximize the total benefit that society can derive from a market
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