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1 Fundamentals and Cell Physiology 2 Nerve and Muscle, Physical Work 3 Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 4 Blood 5 Respiration 6 Acid–Base Homeostasis 7 Kidneys, Salt, and Water Balance 8 Cardiovascular System 9 Thermal Balance and Thermoregulation 10 Nutrition and Digestion 11 Hormones and Reproduction 12 Central Nervous System and Senses 13 Appendix Further Reading Index
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Authorand ExecutiveEditor Robert B.Dunn, Ph.D. Adjunct Associate Professor Department of Medicine Loyola University Medical Center Chicago, IL Contributors Susan DeMesquita, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physiology Marshall School of Medicine Huntington, WV Directorof MedicalIllustration ChristineSchaar Directorof PublishingandMedia Michelle Covello Stanley S. Passo, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Physiology New York Medical College Valhalla, NY MedicalIllustrators Rich LaRocco and Christine Schaar James Porter, Ph.D. Professor, Department of Physiology University of Louisville Louisville, KY ProductionEditors Kathlyn McGreevy Ruthie Nussbaum Kenneth H. Ibsen, Ph.D. Director of Academic Development Kaplan Medical Professor Emeritus Biochemistry University of California Irvine, CA ProductionArtist Michael Wolff CoverDesign Joanna Myllo Mary Ruebush, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor of Microbiology Montana State University Bozeman, MT CoverArt Rich LaRocco
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This is an admirably concise and clear guide to fundamental concepts in physiology relevant to clinical practice. It covers all the body systems in an accessible style of presentation. Bulleted checklists and boxed information provide an easy overview and summary of the essentials. By concentrating on the core knowledge of physiology, it will serve as a useful revision aid for all doctors striving to achieve postgraduate qualification, and for anyone needing to refresh their knowledge base in the key elements of clinical physiology. The author’s own experience as an examiner at all levels has been distilled here for the benefit of postgraduate trainees and medical and nursing students. Dr Ashis Banerjee is Consultant in Emergency Medicine and serves as Examiner for those undertaking their MB, BS, MRCS and MFAEM examinations
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山东大学基础医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程教学大纲(供五年制临床医学专业用)
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山东大学基础医学院:《生理学 Physiology》课程资源_Experimental Classes for Medical Physiology 医学生理学实验课程教学大纲
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一、什么是程序性细胞死亡PCD 一个固有的遗传程序即生物钟,在一个受控制的时间和空间内激活,从而导致细胞死亡。又称细胞凋亡(apoptosis): 在体内外因素诱导下,由基因严格调控而发生的自主性细胞有序死亡。 二、PCD/细胞凋亡的形态变化 三、胚胎发育中的程序性细胞死亡 四、PCD/细胞凋亡的调节 五、PCD的主要途径
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一、种系发生 二、神经管和神经嵴的发生和早期分化 三、 脊髓的发生
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中枢神经系统 (CNS) Brain Spinal cord 周围神经系统 (PNS) Nerve outside of the brain and spinal cord 神经系统发育概况 神经管的形成和早期分化 神经嵴的形成和分化 中枢神经系统的常见畸形 神经干细胞与神经再生 人脑发育的主要程序
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1、掌握免疫应答的概念及基本过程;T细胞介导的免疫应答;B细胞介导的免疫应答;抗体产生的规律及意义。 2、熟悉免疫应答的类型及免疫应答发生的场所;细胞免疫和体液免疫的生物学效应;免疫耐受及免疫调节的概念。 3、了解免疫细胞活化信号的产生与转导过程;免疫耐受形成的条件和意义;免疫调节的方式与机制
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一. 早期胚胎发育的基本过程 二. 早期胚胎发育的调控 三. 细胞分化的决定和细胞分化 四. 细胞分化的影响因素
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