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六、理论板数的捷算法 七、关于二元连续精馏的其它流程 1.塔顶设有分凝器 2.冷液回流 3.直接蒸汽加热流程 4.多股加料和侧线出料流程 5.回收塔流程
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§ 8.4.1 物料衡算和操作线方程 §8.4.2 吸收剂用量的确定 §8.4.3 塔径的计算 §8.4.4 低浓气体吸收时填料层高度
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I. Greetings . Review Have a dictation IlI. Start the new lesson 1 Introduction: A young man with a gun suddenly attacked me when I walked out of my garage with some KFC in my hand. Not only my money and watch, but also the KFC chicken was
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1不定积分的概念与基本积分公式 2换元积分法与分部积分法 3有理函数和可化为有理函数的不定积分
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一、化工生产过程 二、单元操作及分类 三、化工原理课程的两条主线 四、化工原理课程所回答的问题 五、学好本课程应注意的问题及培养的能力
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建立回归方程ya+bX所建方程的回归系数ab值应使实际 数据点尽可能的接近回归直线。也就是各数据点到回归直 线的坚直距离的平方和越小越好
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I. Greetings II. Review Have a quiz III. Start the new lesson 1.Introduction This article talks about birth of bright ideas by the vividly paradigmatic methods After reading it, we have a new understanding about the mysterious question 2. Discourse analysis Part one (Paras.1-3)Opening remarks: All truly creative activities depend in some degree on the signals of the unconscious. Part two (Paras. 4-6) Discussing the birth of bright ideas with the example some famous persons
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The key words and phases of Unit Five. III. Start the New Lesson Introduction A woman alone writes some painful lines in a notebook. To unders tand why the lines are painful, we go back in time to a strange event that happened on her wedding day. A strange woman gave the couple a message about their marriage. Every year, the husband
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I Greetings IL. Review: the new words and phrases of Unit Three II Start the new lesson 1. Introduction: Listening passage: People judge other people within the first seven seconds of meeting them. You can have a positive effect on other people through using your eyes, face and body in unspoken communication
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I Greetings IL. Review: Review the new words and phases of Unit One II Start the new lesson 1. Introduction: You are about to read an early exchange between a daughter and her parents. You will find how they think about the same things very differently. You will also hear how they miss connecting with or understanding each other. It is as if they are blind to
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