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◼ 数据类型的概念 ◼ C++基本数据类型 ◼ 常量与变量 ◼ 变量值的输入 ◼ 操作符 ◼ 表达式 ◼ 表达式值的输出
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⚫ To become familiar with the process of program development (§10.2). ⚫ To the relationship types: association, aggregation, composition, strong inheritance, and weak inheritance (§10.3). ⚫ To declare classes to represent the relationships among the classes (§10.3). ⚫ To design systems by identifying the classes and discovering the relationships among these classes (§10.4). ⚫ To implement the Rational class and process rational numbers using this class (§10.5). ⚫ To design classes that follow the class-design guidelines (§10.6). ⚫ To model dynamic behavior using sequence diagrams and statechart diagrams (§10.7 Optional) ⚫ To know the concept of framework-based programming using Java API (§10.8)
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⚫ To explain the concept of event-driven programming (§12.2). ⚫ To understand event, event source, and event classes (§12.2). ⚫ To declare listener classes and write the code to handle events (§11.3). ⚫ To register listener objects in the source object (§11.3). ⚫ To understand how an event is handled (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with ActionEvent (§11.3). ⚫ To write programs to deal with MouseEvent (§11.4). ⚫ To write programs to deal with KeyEvent (§11.5). ⚫ To use the Timer class to control animations (§11.6 Optional)
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⚫ To create graphical user interfaces with various user-interface components: JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea, JComboBox, JList, JScrollBar, and JSlider (§13.2 – 13.12). ⚫ To create listeners for various types of events (§13.2 – 13.12). ⚫ To use borders to visually group user-interface components (§13.2). ⚫ To create image icons using the ImageIcon class (§13.3). ⚫ To display multiple windows in an application (§13.13). ⚫ To know how to create menu
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1. 计算机的组成与软件系统 2. C++程序设计语言简介 3. C++语言的基本构成 4. Visual C++集成开发环境 5. C++数据类型概述 6. 关于本课程
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1. 数据类型 2. 常量 3. 变量 4. 算术运算符和表达式 5. 赋值运算符和表达式 6. 关系运算符和表达式
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:623.5KB 文档页数:56
⚫ To explain how the Web browser controls and executes applets (§ 14.2). ⚫ To describe the init, start, stop, and destroy methods in the Applet class (§ 14.2). ⚫ To know how to embed applets in Web pages (§ 14.4). ⚫ To run applets from appletviewer and from Web browsers (§ 14.4). ⚫ To pass string values to applets from HTML (§ 14.5). ⚫ To write a Java program that can run as both an application and an applet (§ 14.6). ⚫ To get image files using the URL class and display images in the panel (§ 14.9 Optional). ⚫ To develop a reusable component ImageViewer to display images (§ 14.10 Optional). ⚫ To get audio files and play sound (§ 14.12 Optional). ⚫ To package and deploy Java projects using Java archive files (§ 14.13 Optional). ⚫ To use Swing pluggable look-and-feel (§ 14.14 Optional)
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6.1 数据处理与多项式计算 6.2 数值微积分 6.3 离散傅立叶变换 6.4 线性方程组求解 6.5 非线性方程与最优化问题求解 6.6 常微分方程的数值求解 6.7 稀疏矩阵
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