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1.提高次级代谢产物的产量 2.改进代谢产物的组分 3.改进菌种的生理性能 4.产生新的代谢产物
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single-gene disorder or monogenic disorder Some disorders result when a mutation causes the product of a single gene to be altered or missing. These disorders are inherited in simple patterns similar to or identical with those described by Mendel for certain discrete characteristics in garden peas. Therefore it's also called mendelian diseases
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The most common gene change involves a single base mismatch--a misspelling--placing the wrong base in the DNA. At other times, a single base may be dropped or added. And sometimes large pieces of DNA are mistakenly repeated or deleted
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Medical Genetics Gene Mutation Change in genes caused by change in structure of the dna
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Medical Genetics Genes are entities that parents pass to offspring during reproduction
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1982年沈阳药学院药学系毕业,1984年获中国医科大学硕士学位, 1990年获北卡罗来那大学博土学位。1991-1995年在北卡罗来纳大学 和拜耳集团制药部从事博士后研究工作。1995年起任上海医科大学教 授,现为教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授、复旦大学药理研究中心 主任、巛 Molecular pain》等国内外刊物编委。 回国后在《Ce1l》等SCI刊物发表论文50余篇,研究结果揭示了 蛋白激酶在药物耐受成瘾中的关键作用和调节阿片类药物作用的新机 制,发现G蛋白偶联受体调控基因表达的表观遗传学新途径
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一、 孟德尔学说奠定了遗传学基础 二、 基因是一段DNA序列 三、 基因工程的操作和应用
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细胞是生物体的基本结构单位,也是进行新陈代谢的功能单位 生物界除了病毒和噬菌体这类最简单的生物具有前细胞形态以外,所有的植物动 物都是由细胞构成的。对于单细胞生物(细菌、真菌、藻类及原核生物)而言,生命 的一切活动都是由单细胞来完成的;多细胞生物体虽然由不同器官、组织等细胞间的 分工,但其生命活动都是以细胞为基础的。 在生物的生命活动中,繁殖后代是一个重要特征
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Eukaryotic Chromosomes are composed of DNA, Histone and Nonhistone Proteins Histones: H1 H2A. H2 B, H3, H4. The later 4 form nucleosomes(100 A)and thus called core histones. H1 plays a role in forming 300 A superhelix Histones are rich in basic amino acids Nonhistone proteins play a variety of functions
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Bacterial Genetics Key Requirements Understand how genetic mapping is achieved in bacteria: Co-transformation, F factor Hfr strain co-transduction and some understanding of phage genetics 2. Read the textbook and do the problem set at the back
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