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Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word the way to a street address the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event the meaning of a philosophy
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Surface quality is another aspect of machining accuracy. It consists of the surface finish and the physic mechanical state of the surface layer. It affects the proper functioning and service life of the parts Surface Finish Machining accuracy is expressed quantitatively in machining error. Surface finish is expressed quantitatively in surface roughness. The surface roughness on a machined workpiece surface is caused primarily by the geometrical factors(cutting tool geometry and cutting
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The manufacturing(or production) process of a factory, in a broad sense, is the sum total of separate processes involved in the conversion of sum total raw materials or semi-finished products into final as far as products. AS far as a factory is concerned, its blank products can be blanks, finished parts
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Action Of a Pair Of Mating Involute Teeth Let a and b be the base circles of a pair of mating involute gears. Line CD is a common tangent to the base circles. while b is the line of centers assume that CD is part of a string being unwound from A and wound upon B, while A and B rotate together in such a manner that string CD remains taut at all times. When A and B start to rotate, point C on the string will leave
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给水工程:取水一一给水处理一一配水 针对不同的水源水水质,经处理后满足工农业和生活的对水质与水量的要求。 排水工程:废水收集(来源于生活、工业和农业)一一废水处理一一排放或回用 水污染现状及来源
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一、厌氧生物处理工艺的发展简史 实际上,厌氧生物过程广泛地存在于自然界中,但人类第一次有意识地利用厌氧生物 过程来处理废弃物,则是在1881年由法国的 Louis muras所发明的“自动净化器”开始 的,随后人类开始较大规模地应用厌氧消化过程来处理城市污水(如化粪池、双层沉淀池 等)和剩余污泥(如各种厌氧消化池等)。这些厌氧反应器现在通称为“第一代厌氧生物反 应器
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①主要特点:a可以方便地通过对F/M的调节,使反应器内的有机物降解反应控制在 最佳状态;b进水一进入曝气池,就立即被大量混合液所稀释,所以对冲击负荷有一定的 抵抗能力;c适合于处理较高浓度的有机工业废水
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(1)掌握粉尘的几何特性和重力沉降的规律。 (2)了解旋风除尘器、静电除尘器和袋式除尘器的性能,掌握这三种除尘器的工作原理和常用装置,了解其他除尘器的原理与应用,熟悉除尘器的技术动
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大气是人类和一切生物赖以生存的必需条件。大气质量的优劣,对人体健康和 整个生态系统都有着直接的影响。人类又通过各种生产和生活活动影响和改变着大 气环境,使其质量恶化,甚至造成严重的大气污染事件
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一、固体废物的定义 固体废物( solid wastes)亦称废物,是指人类在生产、加工、流通、消费 以及生活等过程中提取所需目的成分之后,所丢弃的固态或泥浆状的物质。 随着人类社会文明的发展,人们在索取和利用自然资源从事生产和生活活动 时,由于客观条件的限制,总要把其中的一部分作为废物丢弃
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